About Us

Why TechInStra?

TechInStra was born during the Covid-19 Pandemic. We are here to enable businesses of all sizes in harnessing the power of technology to become sustainable and resilient in this time of tremendous volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).

At TechInStra we believe in providing organizations with the best, most affordable, and unbiased technological solutions.

How are we different?

We are totally technology agnostic. In other words, that simply means, we are unbiased towards the usage of different technology tools to solve problems. Our assessments are unbiased and based on advanced quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Why Choose us?

We are not influenced or guided by any technological solutions providers whether big players in the industry or small start-ups. Our main reason to exist is to facilitate the business organizations to make the best strategic decisions towards any technological investment.

Who are we?

Our consultants have been hand-picked from key multinationals such as Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco, PWC, Orange, Accenture among others. We also have a pool of independent resources in North America, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe.

What are our Mission and Vision?

Our Vision & Philosophy

Our vision is to become a globally recognized strategic sustainable technology solution provider by 2025.

  • We strongly believe in sustainable technologies, products and services.
  • We facilitate organizations in developing a more sustainable business strategy with the help of latest technological innovations.
  • We are fully committed towards the survival of struggling business organizations who want to use sustainability to improve production and innovation.
  • We believe in value selling rather than product and services selling.

Our mission

  • Our mission is to increase our new customer references by 80% by 2025.
  • Establish a global presence, aiming towards 10+ regional presence by 2025.
  • Reach out and provide guidance to the most vulnerable businesses across the globe.
  • Influence business organizations towards the best possible strategic technological & sustainable decisions.
  • Help businesses remain compliant with environmental and social standards.
  • Promote the creation of sustainable products and services.

When do we work?

Having virtual teams across the globe we are able to deliver round the clock across any time-zone.

Feel free to contact us to discuss how we can help you out.