Technology Selection

In this modern technological era, a common Google search would bring you hundred of tools, apps, and other gadgets to solve a particular problem. Though many trial versions are offered free of charge, they not enough to evaluate a particular solution unless you have ample experience. During the past 15 years of consulting experience, we have found countless business organizations that deeply regret their technological investments. One of the key reasons is poor evaluation prior to investment. The evaluation is traditionally done after either trying a solution freely or seeing demos from different partners. In many cases, we have seen business organisations simply opting for the simplest solution.

Our team of experienced professionals are capable of assisting you in the acquisition of software systems but also hardware and networking infrastructure.

As part of our technology selection process, we have a series of hand-picked hardware products. We always ensure that we are offering the best product in terms of functionality, price and quality. We offer the following sustainable technology selection services.

  • We help customers in selecting the best and most sustainable technological tools for their specific business needs.
  • We ensure customers always take informed decision while acquiring the following:
    • ERP (We provide in-depth evaluations of major ERP players namely: Oracle, SAP, Microsoft, Sage, Odoo among others)
    • Business grade energy efficient laptops, desktop computers and servers.
    • Energy Efficient and Environmentally friendly network types of equipment